How powerful is a Green Lantern?

A Green Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the willpower necessary to will it into existence.
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Is Green Lantern as strong as Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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Are Green Lanterns the most powerful?

The human members of the Green Lantern Corps are some the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe. Their rings enable them to do just about anything they can imagine, such as creating hard-light constructs, translating alien languages, and traveling across the galaxy at amazing speeds.
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What is the Green Lantern's full power?

The Power Ring allows the wielder to do almost anything they can imagine. Their most famous ability is the creation of constructs made of pure willpower. These constructs usually manifest as solid green light. Some Lanterns have sufficient willpower to create full-color constructs or illusions.
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Can Green Lantern beat anyone?

Green Lantern is one of the most powerful lanterns and not to mention heroes, there is. His willpower and hard light constructs are above most if not all green lanterns and are even powerful enough to stagger even Superman himself.
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How Powerful Is Green Lantern? (Hal Jordan)

Can a Green Lantern beat a Kryptonian?

In the past, Green Lanterns of sufficient willpower have proven capable of harming Kryptonians like Superman. However, Superman revealed there is another reason for him to be wary of Green Lanterns and other wielders of the Emotional Spectrum.
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What is Green Lantern's weakness?

The original Green Lantern, Alan Scott's weakness to wood stemmed from his subconscious belief that his powers couldn't affect the material. The later Lanterns' weakness to the color yellow came from the Fear entity trapped within the Green Lantern Corps' central power battery.
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Can Green Lantern beat Thor?

Normal Thor would lose very, very badly. There are like 7200 Green Lanterns and then the Guardians. Lanterns like Hal Jordan alone could give Thor a run for his money as he has beaten Zod under two yellow suns And then there's other earth based Lanterns like Kyle and John who are also extremely powerfu…
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How strong is Green Lantern physically?

Superhuman Strength: While not super strength of the conventional sense, a Lantern while using constructs created by the ring becomes capable of lifting/moving tremendous weights far heavier than 100 tons with little effort.
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Is Green Lantern limitless?

Each Green Lantern is provided with a Power ring and power battery, which allows each Lantern to channel power from the central battery on the planet Oa. Rings must be recharged regularly, or they will run out of power. What the ring can do is limited only by the willpower and imagination of its user.
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Can Green Lantern make kryptonite?

And since Green Lantern rings are basically energy manipulation devices, replicating Kryptonite radiation is well within their capabilities. In fact, Green Lantern rings have been shown to create massive amounts of Kryptonite radiation in both the Silver and Modern Age.
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What is the strongest color of Green Lantern?

For those lucky enough to wear a White Lantern ring, they had truly discovered godlike strength and power. The Emotional Spectrum's mythos has a lot of powerful relics in it, but this is a good approximation of the Green Lantern Power Rings rankings.
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What is Hal Jordan's strongest form?

The God of Light was told he had absolute power over the stars and wasn't bound by time or space. Fans didn't get to see Hal in his God of Light form for very long, but it was undoubtedly one of the most powerful forms he'd ever had.
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Can Green Lantern beat Thanos?

In Marvel Comics, Thanos is an ultimate villain who needs no introduction, but when it comes to DC Comics powerhouses, the Green Lantern Corps is a group of beings who are so powerful that they could easily stop Thanos dead in his tracks.
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Can Green Lantern beat the Hulk?

While we could see Hulk eventually being able to shatter Green Lantern's powerful energy constructs given enough time and strength increases, Green Lantern is just as likely to take Hulk out in a number of ways that get around his brute strength.
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Can Green Lantern beat Darkseid?

Way back in DC Comics history, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was once possessed by the fear entity called Parallax, and now that terrible moment has aided him in beating the nigh-omnipotent villain known as Darkseid.
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Who is the strongest version of Green Lantern?

1 Sadam Yat

Sadam Yat was prophesized to be the most powerful Green Lantern to ever live; however, Sadam was also said to bring forth the end of the Green Lantern Corps. Being from Daxam, Sadam has a physiology similar to Kryptonians like Superman and Supergirl.
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Is The Green Lantern bullet proof?

Force-Field: The power ring's force field aura around his body makes durable enough enough to be completely bulletproof and survive Superman's attacks or being thrown into an exploding fuel tank without injury.
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How long does a green lantern ring last?

In earlier appearances, they required recharging every 24 hours, but more recently they possess a fixed amount of regular charge: that is, the charge is good for 24 hours of 'typical' use, but extended or extensive use will drain the charge more quickly.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Green Lantern?

Though Ghost Rider may not be able to kill Green Lantern, he could definitely wear him down until his ring lost power.
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Can Green Lantern beat Galactus?

Galactus would definitely be a threat the Green Lantern Corps would want to deal with, but he's far beyond any one Lantern or even a group of them. However, a Guardian of the Universe could deal with him, and the one Oan with the most experience away from Oa is Ganthet.
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What is the weakest lantern color?

On their own, these Blue Lanterns are severely limited, with healing abilities augmented by the power to fly and maintain a protective field when traveling through harsh atmosphere. In these instances, an argument can be made that the Blue Lanterns are the weakest of the Corps.
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What is the strongest Lantern color?

The White Lantern ring can channel all the energies of the emotional spectrum and serves as the counterforce of the Black Lantern rings. It can even overload and destroy them. The White Lantern Ring can easily outpower every other Energy Ring, making them the strongest Power Rings in DC Comics.
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Is Shazam as strong as Superman?

Shazam is in a similar strength class as Superman, but he can also command lightning. Shazam's magical powers give him a clear advantage over Superman whenever they meet in battle. The two heroes have fought several times, and Shazam almost always takes the win unless outside forces are at play.
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