Is Darth Revan a girl?

Since the player can choose the gender of Revan, much of the dialogue revolving around the character is gender-neutral with only a few exceptions. However, in later Star Wars Legends media, Revan is portrayed as being male.
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What race was Darth Revan?

A Human male, the individual later known as Revan was born in approximately 3994 BBY, and some believed that he had been born in the Outer Rim Territories. The child who would be remembered as Revan was eventually discovered to be Force-sensitive and was accepted into the Jedi Order.
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What are the pronouns for Darth Revan?

Since the beginning of the game, everyone has referred to Revan as a woman. However, in a recent conversation with Atton, he used masculine pronouns for Revan, and in two more conversations since then, other characters have referred to Revan as a man as well.
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Is Darth Revan a good guy?

His mind started to become twisted between the light and dark sides and after his light side left him, Revan was completely fueled by anger and hate. He sought to destroy his former tormentor forever, but while the dark Revan possessed his strength, he lacked his former wisdom and his mind was clouded by his malice.
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Is Revan a Skywalker?

Revan is not a Skywalker.
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Woman RUINS Child's Birthday Party?!

What type of Jedi is Revan?

In Legends, Revan was a Jedi Knight who broke away from the Jedi Order, became a Dark Lord of the Sith, and formed a Sith Empire that waged war against the Order and the Galactic Republic. While experiencing amnesia, the former Sith was retrained as a Jedi to confront the Sith Empire, Revan's own creation.
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Is KYLO ren based off of Revan?

Disney used Revan as an inspiration to create Kylo. His armor, inner conflict between Light and Dark and his use of the Force. Snoke considers Kylo to be the ideal embodiment of the Light and Dark sides of the Force, much like Revan, who was a master at both sides of the Force.
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Is Revan more powerful than Vader?

Darth Vader, as of his prime in ROTS, eclipsed Yoda, who was more powerful than Revan. If we're talking about Suit Vader, then Revan wins.
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Which Sith are pure evil?

Darth Plagueis

Like many other Sith, he has been left to the side for now. Going off what fans know from Legends, though, he is pure wickedness and could be argued as the evilest Sith connected to the Skywalker saga.
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Who is the least evil Sith?

Star Wars: 13 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil
  • 8 Darth Marr.
  • 7 Vergere.
  • 6 Visas Marr.
  • 5 Darth Plagueis.
  • 4 Darth Vader.
  • 3 Asajj Ventress.
  • 2 Count Dooku.
  • 1 Kylo Ren.
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Did Darth Revan have a girlfriend?

Following the Jedi Civil War, legendary Jedi Knights Revan and Bastila Shan were married. The groom had a hangover the following morning as a result of alcohol consumption.
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Is Darth Revan a lightsaber?

In the Star Wars lore, Darth Revan's journey from Sith to Jedi is evidenced by the color of his lightsaber blade! As a Sith Lord Revan wields the familiar red-bladed lightsaber, but as a redeemed Jedi Knight he brandishes a lightsaber with a purple blade!
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Why does Revan have a purple lightsaber?

During this time, Revan wielded a single-bladed blue lightsaber with an alloy metal hilt as his primary saber. Some sources report that he also used a purple lightsaber to represent his independence from the dictates of the Jedi Council.
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Why is Revan not canon?

Revan would have been canon years earlier had he appeared in the Mortis arc in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, but George Lucas decided that Sith could not return as spirits. Even so, Star Wars can now tell new stories featuring Revan.
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Why does Revan wear a mask?

This mask was originally worn as a part of a Mandalorian female's armor, and had a red and gray color. Ten years after her death during the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar people on their homeworld in 3973 BBY, the mask was claimed by the Jedi Knight Revan and was immediately donned by the Jedi.
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Who is the most terrifying Sith?

Few Sith were as haunting and terrifying as Darth Nihilus, a Sith Lord who was almost an apparition, rather than a man. He barely spoke, preferring instead to communicate through the Force, which made him almost impossible to reason with.
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Who is the kindest Sith?

Darth Vectivus. He basically got all the power he wanted and then retired to live with his family and friends and died peacefully, none of the Sith backstabbing.
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Which Sith is immortal?

Darth Tenebrous achieved a form of immortality that backfired horribly on him. By converting his consciousness into a new kind of midi-chlorians known as maxi-chlorians, he was seemingly forced to live his final moments for all eternity in an infinite time loop, unless his maxi-chlorians ever died.
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Can Revan beat Kylo Ren?

Revan is another Sith who is easily Ren's superior in just about every way. He was an extremely successful combatant and general. He could defeat Ren in a fight or a fleet versus fleet battle or just about any contest.
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Can Luke defeat Revan?

Darth Revan

Many have described him as being the most powerful Force User of all time, making him superior to even Luke Skywalker and Yoda. Darth Revan had the ability to wield the powers of both the light side and dark side of the Force.
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Who would win Darth Bane or Darth Revan?

Primarily using Legends for evidence, Revan seems to be more powerful than Darth Bane in the Star Wars continuity. This is because much of Bane's ongoing belief in the dark side despite the failings of the Brotherhood of Darkness came from a discovered holocron created by Revan himself.
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Is Darth Revan in Obi Wan Kenobi?

Although Revan is seen both in-universe and by many Star Wars fans as a living legend, he's ultimately a flawed and in many ways vulnerable character. Reva is introduced in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series as a different sort of Inquisitor than the Star Wars canon continuity has had thus far.
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Why does Kylo Ren look like Darth Revan?

Why does Kylo Ren look so much like Revan? Disney used Revan as an inspiration to create Kylo. His armor, inner conflict between Light and Dark and his use of the Force.
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Did Revan create the Sith empire?

Darth Revan's Sith Empire was a revived faction of the Sith Order founded by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, and his apprentice, Darth Malak, as a dark side organization in direct opposition to the Galactic Republic and its Jedi defenders.
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