Was Jimmy Stewart shy?

A shy child, Stewart spent much of his time after school in the basement working on model airplanes, mechanical drawings, and chemistry—all with a dream of going into aviation. He attended the Wilson Model School for primary school and junior high school.
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Was Jimmy Stewart an introvert?

In addition, introverts often make good actors because of their ability to tune into the character's thoughts and emotions. Jimmy Stewart, Barbara Streisand, Angela Lansbury, and Tom Cruise are just a few examples.
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Did Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak like each other?

For Novak, Stewart was more than she could ask for in a co-star. She said, “Jimmy Stewart was Bell, Book, and Candle… a real soulmate.” Making the film was a highlight of her career, as she was also teamed with a talented cast and director.
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Did James Stewart have a hearing problem?

Allegedly, James said his stammer resulted from a lifelong difficulty with memorising scripts. As he aged, the movie icon required a hearing aid to distinguish more clearly what others around him were saying.
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What color were Jimmy Stewart's eyes?

Hollywood Stars

Jimmy Stewart and his gorgeous Scottish blue eyes.
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Jimmy Stewart is Delightfully Funny, FULL Interview on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show 1989

What are some fun facts about Jimmy Stewart?

He was the first movie star to enter the service in World War II, joining a year before Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was initially refused entry into the Air Force because he weighed five pounds less than the required 148 pounds, but he talked the recruitment officer into ignoring the test.
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What was the rarest eye color?

Violet or Red Eyes: The Rarest Spectrum

This eye color is often associated with albinism, a genetic condition that results in the absence of melanin, the pigment responsible for coloring hair, skin, and eyes.
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Were Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne friends?

Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne starred in three classic film together, and formed a lifelong friendship.
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Did James Stewart wear wigs?

James Stewart

I can best estimate Stewart began wearing a toupee maybe as far back as 1946 when he made It's A Wonderful Life. A wig maybe, but it was a good one. All his 'pieces' were.
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How many biological children did James Stewart have?

Married to his beloved Gloria for 45 years, the Stewarts had two sons (one killed in Vietnam) and twin daughters.
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Who is Jimmy Stewart's best friend?

Henry Fonda and James Stewart were two of the biggest stars in Hollywood for forty years. They became friends and then roommates as stage actors in New York, and when they began making films in Hollywood, they roomed together again.
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Did Jimmy Stewart serve in Vietnam?

During the Vietnam War, he flew as a non-duty observer in a B-52 on an Arc Light bombing mission in February 1966. He served for 27 years, officially retiring from the Air Force on May 31, 1968, when he reached the mandatory retirement age of 60.
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Did Jimmy Stewart have a son in Vietnam?

Jimmy Stewart was a very humble man who had been a genuine hero during World War II. He never exploited his patriotism through his fame. Few knew that his son Ron was also a hero who had served and died in Vietnam.
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Did Jimmy Stewart have an accent?

Stewart (born Indiana, PA) was from the part of PA fairly close to Ohio. So maybe the Midwest U.S. accent is the answer. The “may” phenomenon is also part of the Midwest in words like “measure”.
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Which Beatle was the introvert?

That means that 25% of the population qualify as introverted — which makes the Beatles a classic representation of that introverted/extroverted percentage breakdown with George, the one introvert, representing 1/4 of the Beatles.
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Was Dolly Parton's hair a wig?

Of course, her peroxide-blonde hair was an important topic of conversation. “I started wearing wigs because I quickly realized that bleaching and teasing my hair every day would cause breakage and not look good,” Parton told Allaire.
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Did Jennifer Aniston wear wigs?

Jennifer Aniston

Back in the '90s, everyone coveted the "Rachel Green hairstyle" from "Friends". Surprisingly, Jennifer Aniston herself is a fan of wearing wigs.
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Was Jimmy Stewart a Republican?

Jimmy Stewart (born January 24, 1970) is a Republican politician who served in the Ohio General Assembly. He served as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives from 2003 to 2008, and in the Ohio Senate from 2009 to 2011.
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Did John Wayne like Clint Eastwood?

John Wayne Hated Eastwood's Take On The Western

When Clint Eastwood - and the spaghetti subgenre with which he was best associated – came along, the ideals of unambiguous morality, American Exceptionalism, and Manifest Destiny were torn apart.
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Were John Wayne and Robert Mitchum good friends?

Besides being good friends Wayne and Mitchum were both known for being able to drink just about anyone else in the film business under the table and still report to work in the morning, lines letter perfect.
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What is the prettiest eye color?

One thing these survey results have in common is that light-colored eyes — green, gray, blue, and hazel — are named as the most attractive eye colors in the world. In one large survey of more than 66,000 people, green was chosen as the most attractive eye color.
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What ancestry has hazel eyes?

For example, people with European ancestry are more likely to have hazel colored eyes than those with African or Asian ancestry. One reason why people may perceive hazel eyes to be rare is because they can vary in color and appear different under different lighting conditions.
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Can you be born with purple eyes?

Violet Eyes

This color is most often found in people with albinism. It is said that you cannot truly have violet eyes without albinism. Mix a lack of pigment with the red from light reflecting off of blood vessels in the eyes, and you get this beautiful violet!
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Could Jimmy Stewart play the piano?

Stewart was born on September 8, 1937, in San Francisco, California. At the age of four, he commenced piano lessons, switching to guitar when he was eight. He sneaked out of the family house late at night to go to clubs. A professional by age 15, he received the opportunity to play with Earl Hines when he was 16.
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