What are the warp limitations in Star Trek?

The warp drive has a natural physical or economical limit beyond which higher speeds are no longer possible. The reference work Star Trek Fact Files indicates this limit at warp factor 9.99.
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Is warp 10 possible in Star Trek?

According to Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (p. 55), the ship didn't actually achieve warp 10 or go beyond it, but it did travel at the extreme speed of about warp 9.9999999996. The book also provides a warp power levels diagram and notes that "Q and his friends have fun in the [warp] 9.9999+ range."
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How far can you travel at warp 1?

The “Warp factor” is a logarithmic scale, so “warp factor 1” is the speed of light. At that speed the ship would get to Alpha Centauri in just a teensy bit over 4 years. At warp factor 2, you'd be traveling at 8 times the speed of light. So, 4.25 light years / 8 = 27.625 weeks.
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What is the limit of warp 10?

Warp factor 10 was set as an unattainable maximum of a theoretical infinite speed, at which an object would occupy all points in the universe simultaneously (according to the new scale, reaching or exceeding warp 10 required an infinite amount of energy).
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What is the maximum warp for the USS Titan?

There is dialog early in Season 3 about the warp drive of the USS Titan and its capacity to go from standstill to Warp 9.99 as a mundane action.
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What Happened to the Warp Speed Limit?

What was the maximum warp of Kirk's enterprise?

TNG: "Force of Nature" established Warp 5 as the maximum allowable Federation-vessel speed (except in emergencies), due to environmental concerns.
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What is the highest warp in Star Trek?

The highest-numbered warp speed ever reported on-screen is Warp 36, attained by Karla Five's ship in the animated series episode “The Counter-Clock Incident”. The highest speed attained by the USS Enterprise also occurs in this episode, while being towed by Karla Five, and is Warp 22.
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Is 9.9 warp faster than light?

There a speed of 3053 times the speed of light was established for a warp factor of 9.9 and a speed of 7912 times the speed of light for a warp factor of 9.99.
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What is warp 1 in mph?

670,616,629 mph. They defined Warp 1 originally in Roddenberry's "Star Trek Guide," which was created to help help writers of the 1960's TV series as the speed of light: 186,282 miles per second or 670,616,629 mph.
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How far is Vulcan from Earth?

In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real. It's located only 16.5 light-years away from Earth and its primary star can be spotted with the naked eye.
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How long would it take to cross the Milky Way at warp 9?

At 'Warp' 9, you can travel to the Galactic center in 1.1 years.
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What did Kirk say to go to warp?

Kirk uses "Take us out," but as will become apparent from this list, Kirk doesn't have one particular catchphrase. Kirk orders his crew to initiate Warp Drive in many different ways, often specific to the situation he and his crew are in.
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How fast is full impulse?

The Star Trek Voyager Technical Manual, page 13, has full impulse listed as ¼ of the speed of light, which is 167,000,000 mph or 74,770 km/s.
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How far was Voyager from Earth in Star Trek?

So, Voyager was hurled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array, getting stranded at 70000 lightyears from Earth. This was supposed to be a trip of approximately 70 years (Caretaker (1.1/1.2)) at standard warp (probably Warp 5 = 125 * lightspeed).
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Who was the first person to achieve warp 10?

Paris convinces Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to allow him to fly the shuttle despite the small risk. Paris successfully breaks the Warp 10 barrier in the Cochrane, rapidly disappearing from Voyager's sensors.
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Why is warp 10 impossible?

At Warp 10, the exponent (and the speed) would be infinite, so you could never reach this value.
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How fast is Enterprise D?

The Enterprise-D made first official contact with a number of species (see below). According to Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (p. 55), the ship didn't actually achieve warp 10 or go beyond it, but it did travel at the speed of about warp 9.9999999996.
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What is faster, warp speed or hyperspace?

Hyperspace drives are generally second, since they go so fast that you can cross a galaxy in a few days at most. Warp drives are generally third, since they usually take years if not decades to go from one end of the galaxy to the other.
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Will warp speed ever be possible?

Certainly not, unfortunately. While a warp drive may be theoretically just barely possible (see Alcubierre drive ) it still requires exotic (negative mass) matter, which we have never seen and have plenty of reasons to believe does not exist.
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What is warp 13?

It's an Alternate Reality in an Alternate Timeline created by Q called “Antitime” and as such in that timeline and reality Warp 13 is a real thing on a different faster Warp Scale and is a speed equivalent to Warp 9.9999 on the Normal TNG Era Warp Scale so both are Canon due to different Warp Scales.
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How fast is warp 5 in Star Trek?

So NX-01 Enterprise, a warp 5 ship could travel at a maximum speed of 125C… which is still too slow to get into trouble if you actually apply it to the actual distances between star systems. The tech background material for Star Trek gives an answer.
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Can Star Trek ships fire at warp?

Yup! There are quite a few instances of vessels firing while at warp throughout the various Star Trek tv shows. For example: I'm pretty sure there are some instances of the USS Enterprise-D firing torpedoes at warp, including in the TNG episode “Encounter At Farpoint” but I can't find any clips of them.
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Can Star Trek shuttles go to warp?

According to Shuttle Issue #02 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the type 6 shuttlecraft was approximately 6 meters in length. Designed as a short-range, warp-capable vessel, the Type 6 could maintain warp 1.2 for 48 hours or warp 2 for 36 hours.
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Is Star Trek warp drive possible?

A provisional answer is “no.” According to the accepted laws of science, nothing can travel faster than light. Even though light is fast enough to circle the Earth over seven times in a single second, space is very large.
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