What stone does Dr. Strange have?

The Eye of Agamotto appears in several forms of Marvel-related media, such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with its first appearance in Doctor Strange, in which it contains the Time Stone, one of the fictional universe's Infinity Stones.
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Is there a 7th infinity stone?

Spoilers for Thanos: Death Notes #1 and Thor #29 by Marvel ComicsMarvel Comics has officially introduced the Seventh Infinity Stone, as the new Black Infinity Stone has a special connection to Thor.
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Why does Dr. Strange have the Time Stone?

During his training at Kamar-Taj, Doctor Strange began to read the Book of Cagliostro and learned of the Eye's full power. Seeking to push himself, Strange donned the Eye and opened it, revealing the Time Stone, first testing its power on his apple before using it to recreate the lost pages from the Book.
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What is the green stone in Dr Strange called?

Doctor Strange wears the Time Stone throughout Infinity War and even tells Iron Man that if he has to choose between giving up the stone and saving the lives of the Avengers, he'll prioritize the stone. Later, he uses the power of the Time Stone to look into the many possible futures at the end of the Infinity War.
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Is the Time Stone Loki?

Then, we have the Time Stone, represented by, you guessed it, the newly all-powerful, time-traveling Loki who now sits at a throne at the center of the multiverse holding all timelines together with his very green magic.
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Doctor Strange's Plan Explained | 14,000,605 Infinity War Theory

Is there a black infinity stone?

Bor once created the Black Infinity Stone which was later transformed into the Asgardian goddess of death Hela.
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Which stone did Thanos give Loki?

The Mind Stone was one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, representing the element of mind. It was previously owned by Thanos inside his Scepter who lent it to Loki for the Chitauri Invasion.
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What is Thanos Green Stone?

Thanos Quest (1990) #1

With the first two in his possession, Thanos noticed that they differed greatly. After rechristening them the Infinity Gems, he named the green one the Soul Stone and labeled the red as the Gem of Power.
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How many stones does Doctor Strange have?

Doctor Strange has not been shown to use all six Infinity Stones at once like Thanos did. While Doctor Strange is immensely powerful and skilled in the mystic arts, his abilities with the Infinity Stones are limited compared to Thanos.
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What stone does vision have?

Thanks to his artificial intelligence, Vibranium-infused synthetic body and the Mind Stone implanted in his forehead, Vision boasts an incredible number of unique powers. He can access and process huge amounts of data in very short periods of time, making him supremely intelligent.
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Can Dr. Strange beat Thanos with Time Stone?

If Doctor Strange chose to use the Time Stone against Thanos, could he have won? no. He used the time stone before they fought and looked at 14 MILLION OUTCOMES..
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Why did Dr. Strange get a third eye?

Summary. The Doctor Strange variant with the third eye likely got it from using the Darkhold, hinting at a possible evil future. Doctor Strange's third eye is rooted in Marvel Comics mythology and represents a higher level of consciousness and mystical power.
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Did Thanos crush the Eye of Agamotto?

After Thanos defeated Strange during the Battle of Titan, he grabbed the Eye, and noting it was a fake, crushed it.
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Does Deadpool have an Infinity Stone?

When handed the Infinity Gems, Deadpool is the only truly omnipotent character in the Marvel Universe, One Above All included. Deadpool decided that for his use alone, he would craft a seventh Infinity Gem, calling it the Continuity Gem, given that he is the only one who understands his...
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Are there 12 Infinity Stones?

As expounded across several interwoven MCU multimedia titles, the six Infinity Stones are reputed to embody and control essential aspects of existence—Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time and Soul—thereby making them critical artifacts in the MCU and, together, the MacGuffin of the dedicated Infinity Saga.
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Are there 15 Infinity Stones?

The six Infinity Stones grant control over the domains of Mind, Time, Space, Power, and Reality.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.
  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.
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What is the strongest infinity stone?

Arguably the most powerful of the Infinity Stones, the Reality Stone affords whoever commands it near absolute control over reality itself.
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Why did Dr. Strange hold up one finger in Endgame?

In Endgame, Strange locked eyes with Tony during the final battle and raised his finger: This is that one chance in over 14 million. Tony understood immediately. It would require sacrifice. A life.
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What stone is Loki's staff?

Originally Answered: Which Infinity Stone is in Loki's Scepter? That was the Mind Stone, which is where the Sceptre got the ability to control minds (like it did to Hawkeye and Erik Selvig).
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Who has the Soul Stone?

Kept on Vormir and under the protection of Red Skull since 1945, the Soul Stone was acquired by Thanos in 2018 after he sacrificed Gamora, which he later destroyed after initiating the Snap.
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What is purple infinity stone?

The Power Stone - Purple

The Power Stone is all about strength. Encased within the Orb, this infinity stone played a vital role in Guardians of the Galaxy, as it pretty much destroyed The Collector's home.
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What stone gave Wanda her powers?

As her powers likely come at least in part from the Mind Stone inside of Loki's scepter, Wanda's abilities include telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing that allows her to both read thoughts and also give her targets waking nightmares.
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What Stone did Thanos get from Thor?

The blue Space Stone, aka the Tesseract: The second Infinity Stone to be collected by Thanos is the Tesseract, which was originally on Asgard with Thor and his family.
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What Stone did Thanos get for Gamora?

The Sacrifice of Gamora was the ultimate step that was required in order for Thanos to obtain the Soul Stone. When Red Skull informed Thanos that he must sacrifice someoned that he loved to obtain the Soul Stone, Thanos tearfully threw Gamora off a cliff, killing her.
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