Why didn't Daisy attend Gatsby's funeral?

Daisy does not want to be seen attending Gatsby's funeral since she does care about her image, despite the fact that she has never loved Tom. As a result, she makes the decision to abstain out of concern that she would damage both her connection with Tom and her standing in the eyes of the general public.
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Why did Daisy not go to Gatsby?

Realizing that Gatsby is not made of old money and has illegally acquired his wealth, Daisy begins to lose interest in Gatsby and remains loyal to Tom.
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Why did no one go to Gatsby's funeral?

Fitzgerald makes the scene about Gatsby's funeral express the idea that Gatsby is lonely and has no true friends. The people that came to his parties on the weekends, did not even bother to show up to his funeral after he died. These guests only used Gatsby for his lovely parties and the money he had.
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Does Daisy send flowers to Gatsby's funeral?

Although Nick contacts many of Gatsby's acquaintances as he organizes the funeral, almost no one shows up to pay respects. Daisy, who has run away with Tom, doesn't even bother to send flowers or a note.
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Why is Daisy not responsible for Gatsby's death?

Daisy allows Gatsby to take responsibility for her mistake. Gatsby was also to blame for his death because he allowed Daisy and her husband to accuse him of Myrtle's murder.
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Why didn't Daisy go to Gatsby's funeral?

Was Daisy drunk when she hit Myrtle?

Possibly drunk from the day in the city, Daisy carelessly strikes Myrtle with Gatsby's car. She then negligently speeds off from the scene of the accident without stopping.
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Why did Daisy betray Gatsby?

She betrays him by being her cowardly self. She tried once to stand up for her love of him when they first met, but her life is more complicated now with an aggressive, domineering husband and a child. She doesn't have any support -other than Nick, her distant cousin, to help her do the right thing.
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Did Daisy call Gatsby before he died?

In both book and movie, Gatsby is waiting for a phone call from Daisy, but in the film, Nick calls, and Gatsby gets out of the pool when he hears the phone ring. He's then shot, and he dies believing that Daisy was going to ditch Tom and go way with him.
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Who arrives 3 days after Gatsby's funeral?

The third day after Gatsby's death, Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby's father, sent a telegram to hold the funeral until he was able to get there. He arrived, and Nick showed him to Gatsby's body, which was in the house.
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What does the last line of Great Gatsby mean?

"And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." This line works on a few different thematic levels at the end of the novel: It sums up the story of the novel, as Gatsby has been trying to work hard enough to both erase and reclaim his past with Daisy; he is unable to do either.
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Did Daisy actually love Gatsby?

Even though she was still in love with Gatsby, Daisy most likely married Tom because she knew he could provide her with more material comforts. In Chapter 4 Jordan recounts how, the day before the wedding, she found Daisy drunk, sobbing, and clutching a letter.
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What does Gatsby's funeral symbolize?

At this point, you must understand that Gatsby's funeral had a symbolic meaning. So few people attending showed that only a few truly knew the man that Gatsby really was. The rest just saw him as a rich man and used him for his wealth. In a way, it was also a representation of society during the Roaring Twenties.
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Who is the only guest at Gatsby's funeral?

The only people to attend the funeral are Nick, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and Gatsby's father, Henry C. Gatz, who has come all the way from Minnesota.
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What does Daisy's daughter symbolize in The Great Gatsby?

Pammy most likely represents a younger version of Daisy. Daisy wishes that her baby girl will be a fool like her so she ends up married and well off with a rich man. She also wants her daughter to be a fool so she is protected. She is taken care by a nurse rather than Daisy herself.
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Why does Gatsby love Daisy so much?

To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her.
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Why is Gatsby so obsessed with Daisy?

(Fitzgerald 155-56) Daisy's influence over Gatsby due to what her voice expresses cannot be disregarded. Daisy's voice is a crucial part of what makes Gatsby fall in love with her. Driving men to madness and submission with the help of her voice, Daisy comes to control Gatsby with gentle whispers.
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What is ironic about Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's funeral is ironic because only three people attend, while enormous crowds attended his parties. Despite being a popular figure in the social scene, once Gatsby passes, neither Daisy, his business partner Henry Wolfsheim, nor any of his partygoers seem to remember him or care.
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Why is Gatsby's love for Daisy doomed to fail?

Why is Gatsby's love for Daisy doomed to fail? She can never live up to the idea of who Gatsby thinks she is.
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Why did Wolfsheim not attend Gatsby's funeral?

Meyer Wolfsheim, who was very close to Gatsby, uses this as an excuse not to attend Gatsby's funeral. He says that, now that he's old, he can't "get mixed up in all that"—by which he means he doesn't want to be affiliated with Gatsby's death because Gatsby's illegal dealings could unveil his own.
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Is Daisy a gold digger?

Yet Daisy isn't just a shallow gold digger. She's more tragic: a loving woman who has been corrupted by greed. She chooses the comfort and security of money over real love, but she does so knowingly.
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Who was the villain in The Great Gatsby?

Tom Buchanan is the main antagonist in The Great Gatsby . An aggressive and physically imposing man, Tom represents the biggest obstacle standing between Gatsby and Daisy's reunion. For much of the novel Tom exists only as an idea in Gatsby's mind.
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How did Gatsby get rich?

Apparently, he started off penniless and made his money selling illegal, over-the-counter liquor in his drug-store empire during the first two years of prohibition.
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Is Gatsby richer than Tom?

Tom Buchanan comes from a very rich family, while Jay Gatsby comes from a really poor family. Tom Buchanan is powerful and important in society because of his family roots. Jay Gatsby does not have the same importance and power because he comes from a lower social class.
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Does Nick actually like Gatsby?

Nick is particularly taken with Gatsby and considers him a great figure. He sees both the extraordinary quality of hope that Gatsby possesses and his idealistic dream of loving Daisy in a perfect world.
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Did Nick Carraway love Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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