Why is there a bond between Kylo Ren and Rey?

The bond was a result of Ren and Rey's shared nature as a dyad in the Force—two beings, who were one. By the last days of the First Order-Resistance War, the bond between Ren and Rey became so strong that they were capable of transferring physical objects through the Force to each other's location.
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Why do Kylo Ren and Rey have a connection?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker adds new layers to the Force and the never-ending war between the Jedi and Sith. During the movie we learn that Rey and Kylo Ren are two halves of a Force Dyad, a phenomenon meant to explain the close bond they've shared over the course of the sequel trilogy.
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Why is Kylo Ren so obsessed with Rey?

He saw her as a useful tool for his rise to power. He was intrigued by the mystery surrounding her. He wanted closure for his defeat at her hands. He had a genuine emotional connection to her.
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Was Kylo Ren in love with Rey?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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How did Rey and Kylo become a dyad?

Kylo Ren and Rey formed a prophesied dyad in the Force, the first in generations. The First Order warlord Kylo Ren encountered Rey, a scavenger from Jakku, while leading a military raid on Takodana in 34 ABY. As he telepathically probed Rey's mind, Ren became puzzled by a strange connection that he felt with her.
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J.J. Abrams Explains Kylo Ren And Rey's Relationship

Why did Rey kiss Ben?

The Rise of Skywalker novelization insisted the kiss was not romantic, explaining that it was “a kiss of gratitude, acknowledgment of their connection, celebration that they'd found each other at last”, but when looking at the context and what their connection was like since The Last Jedi, the kiss between Rey and Ben ...
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Does Rey have Ben's baby?

Affiliation(s) Zayne Skywalker, a Human male Force-sensitive, was the son of Ben Solo and Rey Palpatine, a dyad in the force as the great grandson of the Chosen One and the son of powerful force wielders, who later becomes a legendary warrior and hero for the galaxy in the decades after the Battle of Exegol.
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Who is Rey's true love?

The dyad is an unbreakable Force-bond that makes them one in the Force, despite being born as two physically separated individuals. Thus, despite not being related by blood, Ben is Rey's other half, making him her "soulmate" or "twin of the Force". As such, they were connected before they even met.
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Why did Kylo Ren hate Luke?

Kylo's Hatred Began With His Jedi Training

Not only did Ben care little for the Jedi, he also viewed Luke as the person keeping him away from his parents. And the strict rules of the Order only made matters worse, as Ben felt they limited his potential, and forced him to forgo attachments.
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Why is Kylo Ren so bad with a lightsaber?

Kylo Ren's "unstable" lightsaber was designed to kill. Knowing Makashi, he would become a much more dangerous foe as he could disarm and eliminate his opponents far quicker without the need to endure a long, intense fight. Sadly, he didn't learn Form II as there was no one around to teach him during his younger days.
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Why did Rey beat Kylo Ren so easily?

Summary. Rey gained knowledge and skills through her connection with Kylo Ren, allowing her to tap into his training and skills. Kylo Ren was wounded by Chewbacca's bowcaster, which he believed inhibited his ability to defeat Rey.
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How is Rey related to Anakin?

Parents debate. Some fans have speculated Rey to be either the daughter of Luke Skywalker and another woman or daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa, therefore the sister of Kylo Ren. She would also be the granddaughter of Anakin SKywalker and Padme Amidala.
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Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow?

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.
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Why is Rey a Skywalker?

Although Solo was the last of the Skywalker bloodline, Rey assumed the name "Skywalker" to honor their memory, repudiating her own heritage as a Palpatine.
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Who did Palpatine have a child with?

Rumor had it that his mother was Palpatine's Umbaran aide Sly Moore, who had impregnated herself using DNA from an undisclosed source. Regardless of the veracity of that report, Triclops was regarded as the true son of Palpatine, both by himself and the few high-ranking officials who were aware of his existence.
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Did Kylo fall in love with Rey?

Rian Johnson, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director, says that Rey and Kylo Ren's relationship was romantic.
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Is Rey actually Luke's daughter?

This mystery was especially prevalent in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but The Last Jedi overcorrected it by claiming Rey is not related to any established original trilogy Star Wars characters. Then The Rise of Skywalker revealed, in an out-of-left-field retcon, that Rey is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine.
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How did Leia know Rey was a Palpatine?

Luke's words confirm that Leia discovered Rey was a Palpatine during her lifetime, either before or during the time jump between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. If Luke found out through his Sith investigations, or while training Rey on Ahch-To, he undoubtedly would've passed on this knowledge to his sister.
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Why is Kylo Ren obsessed with Rey?

Obviously the fact that they are both part of the dyad explains part of why Kylo is so obsessed with Rey throughout the trilogy. It's equally true, however, that his obsession stems from the fact that she is one of the few people in the Galaxy who seems able to best him when it comes to use of the Force.
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Why did Kylo Ren and Rey kiss?

While they may not have had romantic love for each other, they became close enough that Rey would miss him after his death. The kiss at the end of The Rise of Skywalker was a goodbye to a friend who would be dearly missed.
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Who has a crush on Rey?

That Finn was going to confess his love for Rey based on a longstanding crush he's had on her pretty much since the first moment they met in The Force Awakens.
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Why did Ben sacrifice himself for Rey?

It seems that with his last ounce of strength, Ben gave what was remaining of his life energy to save Rey. This was his last sacrifice, effectively acting as redemption to return him to the light side of the Force.
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Who is the father of Rey Skywalker twins?

Summary. Rey's parents, Dathan and Miramir, have a Star Wars history tying them back to Emperor Palpatine and the Sith, but they have done the work to distance themselves from their past as much as possible.
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Does Rey remember her parents?

Ren's actions caused Rey to rediscover forgotten memories of her childhood, including the last time she saw her parents. Though she possessed qualities of a Jedi, Rey struggled to resist the seduction of the dark side.
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