Can Green Lantern survive a nuke?

It has already been established that a Green Lantern's ring enables him or her survive just about anything. This is further evidenced by the fact that Hal Jordan lived through a nuclear bomb being dropped on top of him.
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Which superhero can survive a nuclear bomb?

The Hulk. He was created by radiation similar to that of the A Bomb. A nuke would only make him stronger. He's also immune to radiation and several diseases.
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What is the weakness of Green Lantern?

The color yellow is Green Lantern's primary weakness, but he was able to use it to save the Justice League. In 1960's Brave and the Bold #30, the Justice League confronts the android Amazo for the first time.
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Can Green Lantern survive in space?

If he or she goes underwater or into space, the ring can create a barrier that allows the wearer to breathe and will get rid of waste products like carbon dioxide. The ring can keep Green Lanterns alive almost indefinitely, at least until they need to eat or drink.
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Are Green Lanterns bulletproof?

Force-Field: The power ring's force field aura around his body makes durable enough enough to be completely bulletproof and survive Superman's attacks or being thrown into an exploding fuel tank without injury.
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By the way, Can You Survive a Nuclear War?

Can Green Lantern beat Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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How strong is Green Lantern physically?

Superhuman Strength: While not super strength of the conventional sense, a Lantern while using constructs created by the ring becomes capable of lifting/moving tremendous weights far heavier than 100 tons with little effort.
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Is Green Lantern limitless?

With infinite willpower and the ability to draw any shape, a Green Lantern has limitless magical potential — as revealed in one surprising team-up.
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Why is Green Lantern blind?

The Green Lantern Rot Lop Fan (aka “The F-Sharp Bell”) comes from a race of aliens who never developed sight since they evolved in a sector of space that was completely devoid of light.
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Can Green Lantern create kryptonite?

And since Green Lantern rings are basically energy manipulation devices, replicating Kryptonite radiation is well within their capabilities. In fact, Green Lantern rings have been shown to create massive amounts of Kryptonite radiation in both the Silver and Modern Age.
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Who can easily beat Green Lantern?

As arguably the most powerful cosmic beings in their respective universes, Silver Surfer is far more likely to overpower Green Lantern. Firstly, his cosmic energy is far more pure and has an unlimited supply so long as he remains on his board.
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What is the dumbest superhero weakness?


Easily, the dumbest weakness for any major superhero in either Marvel or DC Comics is The Green Lantern's weakness to anything yellow. This is more ridiculous than even Alan Scott's weakness to wood.
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Is Shazam as strong as Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Can Hulk survive a nuke?

Yes, The Hulk can survive a nuclear blast at ground zero. In fact, nuke & gamma bombs and the like are used against him quite often. Here are few times the hulk has had massive explosions used against him. From his early days of comics to his more recent events.
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Can Hulk survive in space?

Since the Marvel Universe has always traditionally explored the galaxy, the Hulk has always had a big part in Marvel's space-spanning adventures, and he's aided by the fact that he can survive in space better than almost every other Avenger.
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What happens if Superman gets nuked?

Dark Knight Returns Superman was almost killed by a single nuke though. And a nuke made DCEU Superman go unconscious and heavily injured him, although it didn't come close to killing him.
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Why Batman is not a Green Lantern?

Batman has one of the strongest wills in the entire DC Universe, his willpower is certainly comparable to that of Hal Jordan, but Batman also has one of the darkest histories and most traumatic childhoods of any hero in the DC universe, which is why Batman will never get to use a Green Lantern ring.
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Why didn't John become Green Lantern?

Ultimately, Diggle's character is defined by his devotion to his family and, as he noted in The Flash season 8, "there is no power in the universe more powerful than the love I have for my family." It would be incredibly out of character for John Diggle to abandon his wife and children, even in the pursuit of a noble ...
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Why is there no Green Lantern 2?

Green Lantern was wildly disappointing for its large budget, with many scrutinizing its thin screenplay and reliance on special effects and sound over substance. Green Lantern's dismal box office and critical reception led to Warner Bros. hastily canceling the sequel.
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Has Batman ever been a Green Lantern?

Batman: In Darkest Knight is a one-shot, comic book, published in 1994 and written by Mike W. Barr with art by Jerry Bingham. The comic is an Elseworlds story in which Bruce Wayne becomes the Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan.
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Is Green Lantern a God?

In the latest issue of DC's Green Lantern, John Stewart finally accepts his destiny and becomes a god, transforming himself into the Emerald Knight.
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Is The Green Lantern stronger than the Hulk?


While we could see Hulk eventually being able to shatter Green Lantern's powerful energy constructs given enough time and strength increases, Green Lantern is just as likely to take Hulk out in a number of ways that get around his brute strength.
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Can Thor defeat Green Lantern?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Green Lantern and Thor, as both are incredibly powerful superheroes. However, if it came down to it, Thor would likely have the advantage, due to his ability to control the weather and his powerful hammer Mjolnir.
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Who is the strongest version of Green Lantern?

DC: Most Powerful Green Lanterns, Ranked
  1. 1 Sadam Yat. Sadam Yat was prophesized to be the most powerful Green Lantern to ever live; however, Sadam was also said to bring forth the end of the Green Lantern Corps.
  2. 2 Hal Jordan. ...
  3. 3 Kyle Rayner. ...
  4. 4 John Stewart. ...
  5. 5 Guy Gardner. ...
  6. 6 Sojourner Mullein. ...
  7. 7 Jessica Cruz. ...
  8. 8 Arisia Rrab. ...
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