Does old film have sound?

Back in the day, it was hard to find a camera that recorded audio onto the film while it was being shot. Therefore, in most cases, your film will not have sound attached to the video. The ability to record sound changed the motion picture industry and movie films forever.
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How is sound recorded on old film?

Optical recording

Until the early 1950s the normal recording medium was film. Sound waves were converted into light and recorded onto 35-mm film stock. Today the principal use of optical recording is to make a master optical negative for final exhibition prints after all editing and rerecording have been completed.
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Did old 8mm film have sound?

It's true that most family movies shot on standard 8mm or 16mm are silent because sound had to be added after it was developed. And while Super 8 film revolutionized home movies, audio required special magnetic film and more expensive cameras than silent film.
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Does film have sound?

If the reel has a thin yellow or rust-colored strip alongside the reel next to the sprockets and a thicker yellow-colored strip on the other edge of the reel, then congrats! You've got a film with sound. Having sound on film can make it all the more special, especially with home movies.
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Does 35mm film have sound?

16mm and 35mm film can have magnetic or optical sound.
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The Strange World of Early Sound Films

Can a silent film have sound?

The term "silent film" is something of a misnomer, as these films were almost always accompanied by live sounds. During the silent era that existed from the mid-1890s to the late 1920s, a pianist, theater organist—or even, in large cities, a small orchestra—would often play music to accompany the films.
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What year was sound added to film?

The earliest feature-length movies with recorded sound included only music and effects. The first feature film originally presented as a talkie (although it had only limited sound sequences) was The Jazz Singer, which premiered on October 6, 1927.
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What percentage of film is sound?

It's 50% of the product

The unique combination of visuals and sound are what make a movie really work. To quote David Lynch 'films are 50 percent visual and 50 percent sound. Sometimes sound even overplays the visual'.
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Do film cameras have sound?

Most film cameras do not record sound internally; instead, the sound is captured separately by a precision audio device (see double-system recording). The exceptions to this are the single-system news film cameras, which had either an optical—or later—magnetic recording head inside the camera.
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What is the sound of a film?

Sound in a movie includes music, dialogue, sound effects, ambient noise, and/or background noise and soundtracks. Some sort of sound is always used to enhance the movie experience.
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How do I know if my 8mm has sound?

If your 8mm film has sound, you will see a yellow or rust colored magnetic reel on the top and/or the top and bottom of the film. The audio strip will run alongside the reel, right next to the sprocket holes.
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Why did old movies have no sound?

Phonographs and other prototypes of speakers were used to accompany silent films during the late 1920s, yet before this, all films were silent due to the fact that sound recording capabilities within the film itself were not yet developed and wouldn't be until the 1930s.
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Why do old recordings sound like that?

There was a reason that classical, jazz, Broadway, and soundtrack recordings typically listed for as much as twice that of a youth market/pop album. As to the NATURE of the degradation -- the cause of the 'lo fi' sound -- it is, ultimately, about lack of sufficient sonic data as well as increased distortion and noise.
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What was the first film with sound?

The first film with recorded sound was The Dickson Experimental Sound Film released around 1894. Lee de Forest and Theodore Case invented phonofilm, and recordings of singing and talking that predate The Jazz Singer have been discovered. Don Juan was released — and heavily promoted — by a studio in 1926.
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Did movies in the 1940s have sound?

Early combinations of sound and projection technology existed in the 1930s, and by the 1940s, the issue of capturing sound synchronised footage onto film had been widely solved. By the late 1940s, this technology was widespread to the point that production could exist around the country.
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Can you tell if a camera has audio?

IP cameras share similar design traits, and most security cameras with audio will have an overt speaker on the back of the device. Of course, placement can vary, so it could be on the top or the underside of the device. The speaker looks like dozens of holes arranged in a shape.
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Do all cameras record sound?

Which security cameras typically do not have audio? While most modern home security cameras have audio capabilities, this is not always the case for the DVR/NVR cameras typically used in public places like stores and similar commercial settings.
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When did 16mm film have sound?

Eastman Kodak released the first 16 mm "outfit" in 1923, consisting of a camera, projector, tripod, screen and splicer, for US$335 (equivalent to US$5,754 in 2022). RCA-Victor introduced a 16 mm sound movie projector in 1932, and developed an optical sound-on-film 16 mm camera, released in 1935.
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Is sound stored on film?

Sound-on-film is a class of sound film processes where the sound accompanying a picture is recorded on photographic film, usually, but not always, the same strip of film carrying the picture.
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How loud should a film be?

Many in the industry suggest mixing sound for film at 85dB, but in the smaller room environments this can be too loud, causing ear fatigue and other issues. I suggest mixing at 79dB, and when you think you are done, do one or two passes through at 85dB to double check.
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Why is sound on film better?

Sound is a good tool for storytelling and allowing the audience to feel the full impact of the film. Sound can move the story along or stop it in its tracks. One trick to move the audience from scene to scene is the sound bridge. Using a sound bridge is a technique to keep the story moving forward between scenes.
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What is the oldest video with sound?

The Dickson Experimental Sound Film is a film made by William Dickson in late 1894 or early 1895. It is the first known film with live-recorded sound and appears to be the first motion picture made for the Kinetophone, the proto-sound-film system developed by Dickson and Thomas Edison.
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When did silent films end?

In 1927, The Jazz Singer was the first feature length film to include sound. By the early 1930s, the silent film era was over as “talkies” became a theatre sensation.
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Why do they talk so fast in old movies?

In old films from the 1930's to 1950's, why do the characters seem to talk so fast? Movie makers encouraged diction, more along the lines of British speech which was more clipped, with less drawl. (drawl was allowed in Western movies), but Bette Davis and Katherine Hepburn had very clipped accents.
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