How old was Magneto 1944?

Take Magneto, who is just 14 years old when we meet him during World War II in a First Class prologue. Since that sequence takes place in 1944, we know the character was born around the year 1930.
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How old was Magneto during ww2?

Magneto was a teenager during the Holocaust, as he was a prisoner in Auschwitz. This means he was born sometime in the 1930s. That puts Magneto's age in the nineties. The only reason he isn't a doddering old man is because of the various de-aging rays and clone bodies he's inhabited.
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How old would Magneto be now?

So if he was killed in the snap, he'd still be 88 in 2023. But if he didn't get snapped he'd still be 93. People have a solution that "they should make mutants age slower" to make his age make more sense when that never really affected magneto.
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Does Magneto age slowly?

Well Magneto's "slower" age has nothing to do with his being a mutant or mutant powers. He just keeps tripping and falling into things that de-age and re-age and clone him.
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How come Magneto doesn't age?

Because of this, while Magneto may technically be over 90 years old, he is physically far younger, and has been for some time. At this point, most of Magneto's adventures take place after his age was artificially altered, explaining why he appears to be only a few years older than Cyclops and the other X-Men.
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X Men: First Class Magneto's Mom Gets Shot (Auschwitz Scene)

How does Magneto live for so long?

The X-Men (and other mutants) don't seem to age much in the X-Men films; as if the aging process is 20 years slower than Homo Sapiens. That would explain why Magneto maintains his robust physical condition for almost 80 years in both the comics/movies/shows/etc he's appeared in.
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How old is Magneto in his first appearance?

Take Magneto, who is just 14 years old when we meet him during World War II in a First Class prologue. Since that sequence takes place in 1944, we know the character was born around the year 1930.
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Does Mystique not age?

As a shape-shifter, Mystique is able to constantly alter and rejuvenate her body's cells and thereby retain her youthful appearance despite having lived for over one hundred years.
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How long can Wolverine live?

It appears that few wolverines live longer than 5 to 7 years in the wild. Some, however, do survive to 12 or 13 years of age.
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Does Mystique age slower?

This applies to Mystique, who ages slowly thanks to her shapeshifting biological make-up.
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Can Magneto lift Mjolnir?

This isn't even getting into the fact that, as we saw in Avengers #111 (by Steve Englehart, Don Heck and Mike Esposito), Magneto can control people's minds with his powers, so he could "wield" Mjolnir, in a way, by "wielding" Thor himself... (And yes, it is creepy that he has his daughter dancing for him).
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What level mutant is Magneto?

Magneto is a mutant with the power to manipulate magnetic fields to achieve a wide range of effects. He is classified as an Omega-level mutant.
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Who is the strongest mutant?

Marvel: 25 Most Powerful Mutants, Ranked Weakest To Strongest
  • 8 Apocalypse. ...
  • 7 Quentin Quire. ...
  • 6 Professor X. ...
  • 5 Jean Grey. ...
  • 4 Franklin Richards. ...
  • 3 Scarlet Witch. ...
  • 2 Legion. ...
  • 1 Onslaught. No other mutant in the Marvel universe is as feared as the terrifying Onslaught.
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Who is the oldest mutant ever?

Selene is the oldest known human mutant.
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How tall is Magneto?

In the comics, Magneto is tall at a believable 6 foot 2, but that wasn't the case on Pryde of the X-Men. Instead, the pilot grew the leader of the Brotherhood into a whopping 6 foot 10. This incredible height puts Magneto at the same size as the show's version of Colossus, and he's nearly the same height as Blob.
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How long can Deadpool live?

Powers. Extended Lifespan - It is unknown how long Deadpool will live but it has been shown to be further than 800 years into the future, it is believed he is unable to die as he has established a romantic like relationship with the personification of Death.
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Can Wolverine survive a nuke?

In the pages of Marvel Comics, Wolverine's healing factor has helped him survive impossible situations, from being ripped apart from Magneto, getting torn in half by the Hulk, and taking on a nuclear bomb head-on and making it out alive.
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Can Wolverine survive a headshot?

Wolverine's healing doesn't actually work like it's shown. His healing factor will rebuild his body at an accelerated rate, but it isn't 'intelligent' enough to expel foreign material (and definitely not if a bullet was impacted directly onto his skull, like this one-in-a-million shot happens to be).
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How old is Charles Xavier in Logan?

In 2029, no mutants have been born in 25 years, and an aging Logan suffers as his healing ability is failing. Working as a limousine driver in El Paso, Texas, he and mutant tracker Caliban take care of 97-year-old Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, in an abandoned smelting plant in northern Mexico.
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Why does Magneto wear a helmet?

While Magneto has been seriously injured by psychic attacks without his helmet, his helmet provides the wearer with significant protection from telepaths. Due to the way his helmet's circuitry interacts with his powers, some iterations of Magneto's helmet have also given him limited telepathic abilities.
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What race is storm?

Descended from a long line of African witch-priestesses, Storm is a member of a fictional subspecies of humans born with superhuman abilities known as mutants.
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Who can beat Magneto?

Namor was able to run through the entire Brotherhood, including Magneto. Namor's strength and durability allowed him to outlast Magneto's attacks and take him down, before leaving so he could figure out new ways to attack the surface world.
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Why is Magneto so powerful?

Thanks to Magneto's X gene and his particular mutation, he has a constant tactile awareness of the Earth's magnetic field. This means he's always aware of the magnetic forces around him and can detect even very subtle changes in it. On a certain level, this trait is the root of all his powers.
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